Ooh! A Question about Lexical Density

(Beth Turnage Blog) What are the possible factors that lessens the lexical density in writing?? A question in a comment? Yes! I was so tickled that I decided to devote an entire blog post to it. And I won’t just tell you. I’ll show you, and to do so...

#Author Interview: #SFF #Writer Lindsey Duncan

Anaea Carlisle, raised on an isolated space station populated solely by women, believes the rest of the universe has been plunged into anarchy and ruin by an alien-engineered disease known as Y-Poisoning. On a salvage mission, she helps rescue a hypermental named Gwydion who challenges everything she thought she...

Guest Post: Kayelle Allen & Bringer of Chaos–Forged in Fire

Thank you for letting me share my new book with your readers. Like many, I’m a fan of the Hobbit movies. More specifically, of Lee Pace, who played Elven King Thranduil. The character so resembled my hero, Pietas, that I delighted in watching Pace portray him. There was one...

#authorinterview: Jonathan Bowerman on Life and Elves

Today we have Jonathan Bowerman the author of the self-published The Secret Realms of Hidden Elves. Jonathan is a relatively recent and active member of Fantasy Writer.org with an impressive enthusiasm for writing. But he doesn’t tell us much about himself, so I just have to do an interview...

Pirate’s Luck~Chapter Twelve-The New Man

The slave’s face crumbled into disgust when the hatch of the ship sealed. “Great gods,” he muttered in Fedeng. “What?” said Arekan. “I thought that awful smell came from you,” he said. “It’s all over your clothes. But I see now it’s from the ship.”
 Arekan felt a blush...

Interview With The Author

Interviewer: We are here today with Beth Turnage, the author of Forced Labor and the sequel No Free Lunch, and the protagonist of those stories Arekan Mor’a’stan. Welcome, both of you, though, I must say it is unusual to have a fictional character sit in on an interview. Arekan:...

The Craft of #Writing: Brain Secrets of Lexical Density

Writing is hard. Difficult. Okay, it’s the kick in your stomach when you are working like a demon to scrape the words out of your dissolute soul.The words refuse to arrive like the A-list celebrities you invited to your party. Your characters snottily refuse to talk to you, your...

#Writerslife: Interview with a character

Writers are advised to write character studies or “interview” their characters. How do you interview an imaginary character? Here to help you is my process. Beth: Hello, new guy. Welcome to my head. Have a seat and get comfortable. NG: [looks around] Gee. It looks crowded in here. Beth:...

Feedspot Names Bethturnage.com a Top 40 Ghostwriter Blog

Out of the blue Feedspot sends me this handy dandy little award naming this writer’s blog a top forty ghostwriter blog. Cool. I’ve been a little too busy to post it, but seeing it languish in my draft section made me sad, so I’ll display it now for your...