Pirate’s Luck~Chapter Twelve-The New Man
The slave’s face crumbled into disgust when the hatch of the ship sealed. “Great gods,” he muttered in Fedeng. “What?” said Arekan. “I thought that awful smell came from you,” he said. “It’s all over your clothes. But I see now it’s from the ship.”
Arekan felt a blush...
Pirate’s Luck: Chapter Eight~Twice Cursed
Pain accompanied every movement as Grokin pushed him up the ladder that led to the engine room. Arekan stared stupidly at the long cylinder of the null space displacement unit that ran through the center of the compartment. Except for a few class tours on his home ship, he’d...
Pirate’s Luck–Chapter Seven~Hooked
“You’re a damned idiot,” said a familiar voice. “Seven lashes were more than enough and you struck too deep. Now, he’s out of commission for at least a month. What use is he now, eh? I’ll be paying for his upkeep and getting no work out of him.” Arekan...
#FlashFiction Challenge: A Blog Interview With Arekan Mor’a’stan
Author: We are happy to have with us today, Arekan Mor’a’stan, the main character in two science fantasy serials, Arekan’s War and the newest, Pirate’s Luck. He also has a supporting role in The Mor’a’stani Chronicles, the series of full-length books about his daughter, B’yetishen Mor’a’stan. Thank you, Arekan...
Chuck Wendig’s Newest Challenge: First 1,000 Words
Chuck Wendig posted his most impossible challenge of all: Grab 1000 words of your NaNoWriMo work-in-progress (or, really, even if you’re not participating, any WIP of yours), and slap those 1000 words online for all to see. Eeek. I mean, I’m just not ready to do that. It’s still...