Category: Blogging Skills

Feedspot Names a Top 40 Ghostwriter Blog

Out of the blue Feedspot sends me this handy dandy little award naming this writer’s blog a top forty ghostwriter blog. Cool. I’ve been a little too busy to post it, but seeing it languish in my draft section made me sad, so I’ll display it now for your...

Feedspot Names a Top 40 Ghostwriter Blog

Out of the blue Feedspot sends me this handy dandy little award naming this writer’s blog a top forty ghostwriter blog. Cool. I’ve been a little too busy to post it, but seeing it languish in my draft section made me sad, so I’ll display it now for your...

#BookPromotion: #Free #TweetLove From #ReadersGazette

Readers Gazette has one sole mission–putting readers and writers together. How cool is that? On their site a writer can list their kindle books and their blogs for the totally affordable price for FREE. Yep. Zero dollars.Totally within my price range. But what is even better is that they’ll...

#BookPromotion: #Free #TweetLove From #ReadersGazette

Readers Gazette has one sole mission–putting readers and writers together. How cool is that? On their site a writer can list their kindle books and their blogs for the totally affordable price for FREE. Yep. Zero dollars.Totally within my price range. But what is even better is that they’ll...

#Howtoblog: Use #keywords to build your #author blog’s reach

Pagerank seems to be one of those little things that many writer-bloggers ignore. Maybe it’s because Google keeps changing the game rules, maybe because so few authors understand pagerank, or maybe because in the hectic life of a writer (must put down words, no time for anything else) it...

Setting Up Your Website (for writers): Part 2

If you followed my advice you have your domain name and you’ve picked out your webhost. Good. You are on your way to setting up your own self-hosted website. Now to do the deed. What we are going to do is the following: Get your webhost and domain name...

Setting Up Your Website (For Writers)

I started my professional writing career blogging. Yes, I know, most people don’t make money blogging, but I did, with an astrology blog on a now shuttered network. While I didn’t earn much money, I earned some, and while doing so I learned the fine art of blogging. Its...