Chuck Wendig’s #FlashFiction Challenge: Demons vs. Assassins
This piece of flash comes to you by the way of two sources. The first is Chuck Wendig’s Friday Flash Fiction Challenge. And here is what he says about that: Way this works is, below you will find two tables — X and Y! — and you will pick...
Pirate’s Luck~Chapter Eleven-To Forbidden Passengers
This week’s chapter is another of Chuck Wendig’s flash fiction challenge this time titled Ten More Sentences; Round Two. That’s self explanatory. You should be able to read this as a stand alone, but let me know if you can’t. 🙂 TO FORBIDDEN PASSENGERS In the end, they ran....
Pirate’s Luck~Chapter Ten-Discount Skin Ticket
Chuck Wendig’s Flash Fiction challenge was to pick one of ten titles and write a story to it. At first, my inner muse said “write something pretty,” but then that old dog, Arekan whispered, “You’d been looking for a entree into the next chapter of Pirate’s Luck.” Though it...
#WinterSolstice #Fiction: The Inattentions of Mr. Weatherby
Note: I wrote the following piece for a Fantasy Writer’ monthly challenge three years ago. I haven’t found a market for it, so I’m publishing it here for Winter Solstice. There is a little fantasy/science fiction mix here, so bear with me. I’ve always like this story and whenever...
Pirate’s Luck: Chapter 6~Crimes and Punishment
Arekan kicked out his leg and clocked the intruder in the jaw. The man staggered back, sword in hand, but he did not fall. His gaze fixed on Arekan with a murderous expression. “I’ll kill you,” the pirate growled. “Better men have tried,” said Arekan with more bravado than...
New Post #Pirate’sLuck–Chapter Five~Let ‘Em Take Prisoners
Let him die. “He did not just say that,” said Arekan. He knew the first mate was a hard man, but he didn’t think Grokin would be cold hearted enough to let a member of his crew die. “I’m afraid so,” said Egren. He had pressed a button at...
#FlashFiction Challenge: Departure-The Dragon’s Drama
Chuck Wendig’s flash fiction challenge calls for the use of a dragon in the story I have a couple flash stories with dragons, but here is a very short one. Departure-The Dragon’s Drama With a powerful down sweep of his wings Langir rose up and off the cliff. He...
#FlashFiction Challenge: A Blog Interview With Arekan Mor’a’stan
Author: We are happy to have with us today, Arekan Mor’a’stan, the main character in two science fantasy serials, Arekan’s War and the newest, Pirate’s Luck. He also has a supporting role in The Mor’a’stani Chronicles, the series of full-length books about his daughter, B’yetishen Mor’a’stan. Thank you, Arekan...
Wendig’s Flash Fiction Challenge: The Incubus’ Tale
Chuck Wendig gave us ten titles, one thousand words and one week to post on his latest flash fiction challenge. Here’s mine: The Incubus’ Tale “Still, if some are occasionally begotten from demons, it is not from the seed of such demons, nor from their assumed bodies, but from...
Chuck Wendig’s Newest Challenge: First 1,000 Words
Chuck Wendig posted his most impossible challenge of all: Grab 1000 words of your NaNoWriMo work-in-progress (or, really, even if you’re not participating, any WIP of yours), and slap those 1000 words online for all to see. Eeek. I mean, I’m just not ready to do that. It’s still...