#NaNoWriMo: Day 2—How to De-Angst Novel #Writing
Even if you despise outlining, give it a shot. A few hours of outlining with save days of beating your head on your laptop. Trust the woman that writes novels for a living on a deadline. An outline will give you a clearer idea of where your characters are...
#NaNoWriMo and a #Free #Writing Tool
(Beth Turnage Blog) So you are deep in NaNo and emotions run high. Perhaps you’ve finished a chapter or two, but then the dreaded crash. You know where you are heading but now you’ve become stuck in the mire. Because I write a lot of novels each year for...
NaNoWriMo 2019 Project: A Matter Of Time
(Beth Turnage Blog) For my NaNoWriMo project I’ve dusted off an older project, Cassandra Sees: A Matter of Time. Here is the blurb: When a Detective Dan Arrington investigating local murders finds a woman who knows more details about them than she should, can he believe she got those...
Pirate’s Luck: Chapter 6~Crimes and Punishment
Arekan kicked out his leg and clocked the intruder in the jaw. The man staggered back, sword in hand, but he did not fall. His gaze fixed on Arekan with a murderous expression. “I’ll kill you,” the pirate growled. “Better men have tried,” said Arekan with more bravado than...
New Post #Pirate’sLuck–Chapter Five~Let ‘Em Take Prisoners
Let him die. “He did not just say that,” said Arekan. He knew the first mate was a hard man, but he didn’t think Grokin would be cold hearted enough to let a member of his crew die. “I’m afraid so,” said Egren. He had pressed a button at...
Chuck Wendig’s Newest Challenge: First 1,000 Words
Chuck Wendig posted his most impossible challenge of all: Grab 1000 words of your NaNoWriMo work-in-progress (or, really, even if you’re not participating, any WIP of yours), and slap those 1000 words online for all to see. Eeek. I mean, I’m just not ready to do that. It’s still...
Chuck Wendig’s Synopsis Challenge
We all have to do them sometimes. The synopsis, the story outline, plus some, that an agent or publisher or heaven’s forbid, a work for hire buyer, will demand. Chuck in his doubtful wisdom has demanded, with threat of bug zapping violence, that we produce them for our NaNo...
NaNoWriMo Update: NaNo Meetup & Progress!
Last night I met up with a half-dozen of my NaNoWriMo confederates at a well known coffee shop in my hometown. That’s three of them right there. Because I barely got them to agree to a picture (introverted writers!) I promised not to use their names. Organized by the...
NaNoWriMo Update: Arekan’s War & Pizza Cake
Day 11 into NaNoWriMo at 9,500 words in I am seriously behind. Life happens. Kids have birthdays and there is pizza cake to make. Why pizza cake? It is a new thing. Some restaurant chain in Canada came up with the idea, and it spread into the U. S....