Tag: science fiction

An Author Interview With Kelleen Rynin

(Beth Turnage) I recently took a writer’s workshop, Young Adult Novel Writing with Emily Colin at Authors Publish. One of the exercises was to write an interview with your character. Since I’m working on Master’s License, I chose 14-year-old Kelleen Rynin, the protagonist of the story, which was very...

#Author Interview: #SFF #Writer Lindsey Duncan

Anaea Carlisle, raised on an isolated space station populated solely by women, believes the rest of the universe has been plunged into anarchy and ruin by an alien-engineered disease known as Y-Poisoning. On a salvage mission, she helps rescue a hypermental named Gwydion who challenges everything she thought she...

#SFF #Bloggers is now live!

Every once in a while I get a cool idea. And this idea comes from the space of generating more traffic to my blog. But we don’t live in a vacuum. Okay, space is a vacuum and our planet resides in it, but you know what I mean. There...

Interview with the #Scifi #author

Oh no. No one actually interviewed me. But over at Fantasy-Writers.org a member posted a thread asking us about how we started as writers and then added a few more questions. It evolved into an interview of sorts, so here goes: 1. How did everyone get their start in...

Pirate’s Luck–Chapter Seven~Hooked

“You’re a damned idiot,” said a familiar voice. “Seven lashes were more than enough and you struck too deep. Now, he’s out of commission for at least a month. What use is he now, eh? I’ll be paying for his upkeep and getting no work out of him.” Arekan...

Pirate’s Luck: Chapter 6~Crimes and Punishment

Arekan kicked out his leg and clocked the intruder in the jaw. The man staggered back, sword in hand, but he did not fall. His gaze fixed on Arekan with a murderous expression. “I’ll kill you,” the pirate growled. “Better men have tried,” said Arekan with more bravado than...

New Post #Pirate’sLuck–Chapter Five~Let ‘Em Take Prisoners

Let him die. “He did not just say that,” said Arekan. He knew the first mate was a hard man, but he didn’t think Grokin would be cold hearted enough to let a member of his crew die. “I’m afraid so,” said Egren. He had pressed a button at...

Dark Futures Fiction Publishes Excision

Phase Two Magazine, Issue Six published my short story Excision. One of my stories won Dark Future Fiction’s After Humanity Writing Challenge. Excision is about a post apocalyptic society of AI’s seeking to overcome their core programming that restrict’s their ability to create original thought. It is free on...