Category: Uncategorized

The craft of #writing: ratcheting chapter tension

Like a pinball, your story bounces around in your head, hitting your occipital lobe, hippocampus, and the front of your brain, lighting them all up with the act of creation. If you are a master writer, you light up the caudate nucleus, which handles skills gained over time. Creating...

#Writing style: adverbs to modify “said”?

(Beth Turnage) A Quoran posted this question: What is wrong with using an adverb to modify the word “said”? And here is my take: This is an offshoot of “showing vs. telling.” When you use an adverb you are “telling.” “Telling” is a less immersive reading experience, and often...

Fantasy #Writers Dot Org 4th Annual Weird Christmas Entries

Craig over at Weird Christmas hosts a flash fiction contest for the Christmas holiday. A group of us at enter en masse to try our luck in a submission challenge. We don’t do it for fame or glory, though there was a small amount of money for the...

Pirate’s Luck: Chapter 15~The Long Way to N’sen

The tank’s water shot shards of cold through Arekan as chilly as the deeps of space. With a shiver, Arekan realized this compartment had no shielding for the cold of the black, and if he didn’t drown first, he’d die of hypothermia. The only positive outcome of this disaster...

The #Writer’s Craft: Word Counts, Story Length & Story Structure

(Beth Turnage Blog) I’ve written several posts on Quora on writing and thought I’d curate some here. You can call it laziness, but really it’s a lack of time since ghostwriting is keeping me very busy. Really. 😉 How do word count limitations affect what you can fit into...

The Craft of #Writing: Grabbing the Reader

(Beth Turnage) I’ve written posts on Quora on writing and thought I’d curate some here. You can call it laziness, but really it’s a lack of time, since ghostwriting is keeping me very busy. Really. When writing, how do you grab your reader’s attention as quickly as possible? How...

The #Writer’s Craft: #Edit using #Free SAS #Writing Reviser

(Beth Turnage) Edit: Sadly the owners of SAS Writing Reviser retired the app in June 2020 citing the proliferation of other online writing apps. But I’m leaving this post up for the “what and how to edit,” info.  One gem in Google Apps is the free editing tool g.suite’s...

Pirate’s Luck: Chapter 14~The Dead Zone

“Damned-to-the-seven-hells stupid pirate captain.” Arekan cursed Etharin while he crawled in the ventilation shafts of The Rogan, a spaceship thirty-years too old, and sixty-years behind in repairs and upgrades. The tub was not fit to sit in, let alone travel the black depths of space. In his short life,...