Arekan’s Blog: Not Another Feline Overlord

(Arekan’s Blog) Arekan: Scribe, what is THAT doing here?
Beth: (Innocently): What?
Arekan: Don’t give me “what.” After three years of blissful peace, the brown cat returned. What? It couldn’t find another sucker to feed it, so it came back to you?
Beth: You are confused.
Arekan: I have never been, or ever, especially now, confused.
Beth: You are dangerously close to your adverb limit.
Arekan: Keep your snark to yourself.
Beth: And your preposition limit.
Arekan: Scribe! About that furry ball of disaster. Explain.
Beth: That is not Twix, the Bengal. This is Orion, the Savannah.
Arekan: (Narrows eyes) What’s the difference?
Beth: One of Twix’s ancestors was an Asian wildcat. Orion’s ancestry includes an African wildcat.
Arekan: What is it about wildcats with you? Didn’t you learn your lesson with the last one?
Beth: I like bad boys, I guess.
Arekan: You guess?
Beth: Otherwise, why would I allow you to live rent free in my head?
Arekan: Is that another crack about me not pulling my financial load?
Beth: Not at all. Besides, you should like this cat. He was living on the streets as a stray, got into a lot of scrapes as evidenced by his tattered ear, doesn’t like humans all that much, and loves to sleep alone.
Arekan: Are you comparing me to that cat?
Beth: If the feline fits.